Join us for an evening of healing and support. Alice Gilmore is releasing her first zine and ambitious work, entitled, my write to heal, and we are all here to hold her up with our hearts and our presence as we listen to Alice offer a few select readings. This is a free event, and we will have interactive artwork and video installations as part of Alice’s mission to help others feel empowered to share their stories of abuse. This is a celebration of life, of empowerment, a light to be shown on a dark time, a hand extended to those who need it, and a night to show our deep appreciation to Alice for being so brave to share her story so that others may be able to escape abusive cycles as well.
A little about, this new work:
“my write to heal is a collection of prose that documents the pain I endured during an abusive relationship, as well as my journey to heal. While I write to heal, I am also sharing my story in hopes that it can help de-stigmatize a topic society often deems “taboo,” which as a result, pushes too many of us into silence and further perpetuates the shame that victims of domestic abuse feel. I hope that in sharing this piece of work, I can shine light on the complexity that exists in the cycle of abuse, as well as inspire others to share their own story.”
We will provide music, wine, community and opportunities to share stories for those who would like to do so. Alice Gilmore’s new work, my write to heal will also be available for purchase in store.
***If you would like to RSVP before the event, that will help us to provide the best environment possible.
Please arrive promptly at 6:00pm as a reading will follow shortly after.
my write to heal
march 30: 6pm - 9pm, POMKT, 802 Broad Street
photography by sara-anne
Video by Julie Holder, Co-Owner/Creative Director POMKT